Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

Archive of the Danube Commission

The earliest materials, accumulated in the archives of the Danube Commission, date back to 1946. Archive also contains unique documents, related to the background of organization, including Protocols of Plenary Sessions of the Danube Commission held in Belgrade in 1948, ended by the signature of the Convention regarding the regime of navigation on the Danube, copies of the Belgrade Convention and its Additional Protocols, Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Danube Commission, as well as ratification instruments of the representatives of member-states of the Danube Commission. In addition to this you can also make acquaintance with the documents of the sessions, working groups and expert meetings, which took place in the Danube Commission, as well as with the publications of the Danube Commission edited after 1946.

Process of digitization of rare historical documents of the Danube Commission has been already launched for their further posting on the website of the DC.

By prior arrangement by phone: +3614618010 or via e-mail undergraduate and postgraduate students, scientists, as well as persons who are interested in the activity of the Danube Commission can visit archive of our organization.