Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

Platina3 reports

The EU-funded PLATINA3 project (Platform for the implementation of a future inland navigation action programme) during its implementation provided targeted coordination and support activities to promote inland waterway transport (IWT) in Europe in line with the main targets of NAIADES III. The project started in January 2021 and now, after the successful 30 months of targeted research, is coming to its end in June 2023. The project activities established the bridge towards future research, innovation and implementation needs within IWT in Europe.

The main objective of PLATINA3 is to provide the knowledge base for the implementation of the EU Green Deal in view of further development of the European Commissions’ IWT action programme (NAIADES) towards 2030.

Platina3 research was divided into four main areas, which are reflected through the corresponding Work Packages of the project.

The aim of Work Package – Market was, among others, to encourage European competitiveness in logistics and mobility services while striving for supply chain decarbonization, facilitate know-how transfer to cope with the challenges linked to Europe’s new industrial future and circular economy making shipping fit-for-future, promote a cooperative approach between IWT and other transport modes to pool resources, offer integrated solution and to facilitate a further integration of IWT into EU and national policies and initiatives meant to attract higher volumes and thus contribute to a higher modal share.

WP1.: Market

Work Package – Fleet was focusing, among others, on gap analyses, assessment and recommendations for the R&D and policy roadmaps on topics: 1) zero-emission fleet 2) climate resilient fleet 3) digital and automated vessels 4) technical regulations and standards for the fleet and fuels 5) accurate fleet data. In addition, it analysed support measures for implementation of new financial instruments regarding the zero-emission pathway for the fleet.

WP2.: Fleet

Work Package – Jobs & Skills addressed, among others, competence standards related to the use of zero or low emission propulsion systems and onboard systems allowing automation of IWT vessels, knowledge and skills needed for greener vessel operation in refresher classes, supporting the use of modern techniques such as simulators, virtual reality and augmented reality in training schemes for greener and highly automated vessel operation. This Work Package, in particular, provided input to a roadmap on standards for examination of new competences in the EU regulatory Framework.

WP3.: Jobs and Skills

Work Package – Infrastructure studied key issues of IWT sector in terms of infrastructure development. It addressed options for action in the light of climate change adaptation and alternative energy use, financing and regulatory aspects as well as barriers towards implementation of future-proof waterway and port infrastructure and requirements towards and potentials of digitalisation and automation of waterway and port infrastructure from user view.

WP4.: Infrasturcture

WP5.: Other

The Danube Commission Secretariat, during Platina3 project implementation, was involved in the work related to all of the aforementioned Work Packages and was responsible, in particular for the elaboration of the reports “D1.5. Report on recommendations for policy measures which result into higher use of green IWT” and “D4.4 Report on barriers towards implementation of waterway and port infrastructure investments and proposed solutions”.

All the reports are currently available on the Danube Commission`s website under the section “Publishing activities” and will soon be available in the hard-copy format at the Danube Commission`s library.

Additional information about Platina3 project can be also found via link to the project`s official website: https://platina3.eu/