Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

Visit of students from the National University of Public Service (Budapest)

On 17 November 2023, the students enrolled in the Master program on International Water Governance and Water Diplomacy at the National University of Public Service (Budapest) paid a visit to the Secretariat of the Danube Commission. For the third year in a row, the collaboration of the Danube Commission with the NUP has provided the students with an insight into the history, functioning, objectives and activities of our organization.

Members of the Secretariat gave an overview of the Commision’s current activities, with a focus on the Danube region´s river and sea ports, as important logistics and transport nodes in supply chains, contributing substantially to regional economic development. The students were provided insights on the DC Secretariat initiative for a “Joint Statement of the Danube Port Authorities and Ports Stakeholders” with an aim to provide a platform for cooperation among ports in the Danube Region.

Danube Commission’s involvement in projects funded by the European Union (Platina3) and the interaction of the DC with other regional organizations was another topic discussed. The presentation about Platina3 project, where the Danube Commission was a member of the consortium, gave the students the possibility to engage in discussions about future research, innovation and implementation needs within IWT, as well as emissions reduction, fleet modernization, or the impact of climate change on Danube navigation.