Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

Visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova to the DC Headquarters

On 4 October 2023, a delegation of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, headed by Mr Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for economic development and digitalization paid a visit to the Secretariat of the Danube Commission.

The Director General of the Secretariat, Mr. Manfred Seitz stressed the excellent cooperation between the authorities of the Republic of Moldova and the Danube Commission. The discussions also covered the current activities of the organization, with an emphasis on the anniversary of the 75 years since the signing of the Belgrade Convention and the 100th Session of the DC, which will take place in December. The parties also referred to the status of the revision of the Danube Convention and the need to reform the Commission´s work and Secretariat, in light of the current geopolitical context of the Danube region.

In the framework of DC Secretariat activities in support of EC/DG MOVE regarding  the Elimination of administrative barriers for “IWT” and “EU-UA Solidarity Lane Action Plan”, the Director General stressed the important role and potential of Giurgiulești Port and informed the delegation about the DC Initiative for “DC Danube Digital Corridor”.

Minister Alaiba expressed his appreciation for the activity of the organization and highlighted the opportunities for economic development that the Danube offers in the region. He indicated the high interest of the authorities of the Republic of Moldova in expanding digitalization projects in the public administration, mentioning the importance of digitizing border crossings. In reference to the initiative of the Danube Digital Corridor, the delegation appraised it as an opportunity for the Republic of Moldova to integrate into the European economic routes.