Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

The Final event – Brussels 2023 of the EU-funded project Platina3 was hosted by the IWT-Platform on 23-24 March 2023

Platina3 project is one of the frontrunners to make the bridge towards future research, innovation and implementation needs within IWT in Europe. The main objective is to provide the knowledge base for the implementation of the EU Green Deal in view of further development of the European Commissions’ IWT action program (NAIADES) towards 2030. The platform is a catalyst for awareness, stakeholder engagement and uptake of outcomes from related national and European projects and initiatives.

The Final event was organized by in hybrid format on 23-24 March 2023 in Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport in Brussels, as a part of Inland Navigation Week 2023 (https://platina3.eu/event/final_stage_event/). In this framework, a number of events were organized, such as Greening the fleet and technology matchmaking workshop, Autonomous sailing and Resilience clusters panel and DIWA – Masterplan Digitalization of Inland Waterways, hybrid meeting. The event involved a broad audience of policymakers, regulators, industry experts and representatives, economic operators and other stakeholders interested in the development of IWT as a key partner in Europe’s green, resilient, and integrated transport system. Participants from various organizations, such as European Parliament, European Commission, representatives of River Commissions and Member States authorities (e.g. ministries of transport), waterway managers, intergovernmental organizations, knowledge institutes, regional government, ship owners and fleet operators took part in PLATINA3 Final Event. This allowed PLATINA3 partners to share the results of work conducted, which relate to:

– Regulatory pathway towards zero emissions for the fleet;

– Zero-emission strategy for the fleet (SRIA co-programmed partnership);

– Main findings, conclusions and recommendations for policy and RD&I from the other PLATINA3 tasks for the Fleet them;

– IWT Policy Observatory;

– EU funding programs supporting RD&I and deployment in IWT

During the event, special attention was dedicated to panel discussions on various topics related to Markets, Jobs & Skills, Infrastructure organized on the second day of PLATINA3 Final event. PLATINA3 Consortium presented main outcomes of the research completed and reflected in its deliverables. Key findings were validated through dedicated stakeholders consultations and policy debates.