Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

The Danube Commission Secretariat hosted a team of research fellows from the Romanian Academy – Institute of Anthropology


From 27th – 31st March 2023, a team of research fellows from the Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology visited the Danube Commission Secretariat. The team of five experts, headed by Dr. Stefan Dorondel was welcomed by the Counsellor for international cooperation and public relations, Mrs Oana Florescu and Mr Pjotr Suvorov, Chief Engineer, as well as other members of the Secretariat.

The visit aimed to provide the researchers with information into the overall activity of the Secretariat, with special focus on hydro engineering and fairway maintenance issues, in connection with the research project State, Communities and Nature of the Lower Danube Islands: An Environmental History (1830-2020). The exchange of views also touched upon regional legislative provisions and standards in the area of navigation and environmental protection, as well as the DC’s involvement in EU projects.

The Counsellors of the Secretariat have had engaging discussions with the researchers on a wide variety of the Danube-related topics: technical matters, navigation, fairway conditions, technical and environmental aspects of hydro engineering works and port operations. During the week, the experts also took the opportunity to conduct an in-depth study of numerous historical documents from to the library and archive collections, which proved to be very relevant to their research topic. The visitors have expressed their appreciation for the welcoming and very good cooperation with the Secretariat of the Danube Commission.

As follow up to the discussions on possible future cooperation with the Danube Commission, the research fellows expressed their interest in participating in DC meetings and workshops to be organized in the area of their research.