Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

The 5th Stage Event of PLATINA3 project will take place on 19-20 October 2022


Please, use the following link for registration: https://platina3.eu/event/budapest-2022/

The EU-funded PLATINA3 project provides for targeted coordination and support activities to promote inland waterway transport (IWT) in Europe. Starting from January 2021, the project runs for a period of 30 months. In this period, the project will make the bridge towards future research, innovation and implementation needs within IWT in Europe.

The main objective is to provide the knowledge base for the implementation of the EU Green Deal in view of further development of the European Commissions’ IWT action programme (NAIADES) towards 2030. The platform is meant to be a catalyst for awareness, stakeholder engagement and uptake of outcomes from related national and European projects and initiatives. PLATINA3 will consolidate their findings, assess their impacts and gaps.

Stakeholders are invited to participate actively in our series of 6 Stages, each of them aiming to elaborate and accentuate relevant topics.

Main topics to be discussed during the Stage event are:

  • standards for competence related to the use of zero or low emission propulsion systems and for refresher classes for environmentally friendly vessel operation;
  • standards for competence for on-board systems on automation and for refresher classes for operation of systems of automation;
  • roadmap for on board systems allowing automation of inland navigation vessels, vision on board systems and autonomous navigation;
  • alternative energy infrastructure along the inland waterway and in ports;
  • consolidated R&D roadmap and implementation plan for IWT.

Starting time of the 5th Stage event: Wednesday 19th of October 9.00h.

Programme end: Thursday 20th of October, 13.00 h

The meeting will take place online.

You will receive a link app. on the 18th of October.

More information about PLATINA3 project can be found here: https://platina3.eu/