
Experts meeting on ship-generated waste took place on 4th of March 2021


Experts meeting on ship-generated waste, which took place on 4th of March 2021, reviewed progress in updating the “Recommendations for organizing the collection of ship-generated waste in Danube navigation”, as amended in February 2021. As the result of the deliberations on the above Recommendations, the following steps were proposed:

  • to continue to update the Recommendations on the basis of the draft version of February 2021 (Chapter 1. General provisions), taking into account the application of terms and their definitions used in the Basic Rules of Navigation on the Danube (DFND).

In the new wording of the Recommendations:

  • to delete the reference to transitional provisions;
  • to take into account the amendments proposed by delegations;
  • the certificate of unloading (Annex 3) should be brought into line with the Strasbourg Convention on the collection, deposit and reception of waste generated during navigation on the Rhine and other inland waterways (CDNI);
  • to maintain the log of used oils in Annex 1 and to monitor its timely updating in accordance with the DFND.