Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

The Danube Commission hosted the 2nd edition of the Know-How Transfer Event for Modernisation of Danube inland vessels


On 29 September 2020, the Danube Commission hosted the 2nd edition of the Event on Know-How Transfer for the modernisation of Danube vessels, which was organised as a video conference together with the consortium from the GRENDEL project and the INDanube Innovation Centre.

The event brought together barge operators from the Danube region with technology and innovation experts, technology suppliers and representatives of public administrations to discuss available technologies that could fit into the transition path to (near-) zero-emission performance, as well as future alternative solutions that require further research.

The keynote speakers shared relevant experiences of Koedood Marine Group, NPS Diesel, Volvo Penta, ScanDiesel, AVL List GmbH, Development Center for Ship Technology and Transport Systems (DST e.V. ), Lubtrading GmbH, Argonics GmbH, EICB, Bluecentury, via donau and CCNR with regard to low-emission propulsion solutions, prospects for propulsion technology and the transition to emission-free, clean, carbon-neutral (alternative) fuels, increasing load capacity and energy efficiency, digitalization of transport processes in inland navigation and funding/financing for investment into modern inland vessels.

The recording of the keynote speeches can be downloaded via the link and the presentations are shared below: