Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

Expert Group on Security in Inland Water Transport (EG SEC)


On 12th of February 2020, the fourth meeting of experts on security of inland water transport has taken place at the Danube Commission (DC) with the support of DG MOVE of the European Commission.

Representatives from the DC member states: Austria, Hungary, Germany, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, as well as representatives of international bodies (EUSDR PA 11, AQUAPOL – Danube/Black Sea HUB) and industry participated in the meeting.

Experts reviewed the challenges of vessel and port facilities security on the Danube and practical experience of the DC member states in introducing the Recommendations for ensuring the security of navigation on the Danube.

The meeting considered new wordings of the Recommendations, including draft annexes:

  • Annex 2: Indicative structure of Regulations for the application of the DC Recommendations – International vessel security certificate,
  • Annex 3: Indicative operating procedure for crew in setting declared security level. Model plan for self-searches of vessel spaces and restricted areas by an example of the inspection of the typical Danube vessel of “Stien” class,
  • Annex 6: Indicative operating procedure for crew in detecting illegals on board a vessel.

The event examined practical work of specialized security organizations and the specifics of creating a general security system in Danube navigation in accordance with the “Working platform for the development of a security system for inland water transport (SIWT system)”. The issues of introducing DAVID forms into Danube navigation and the problems of cybersecurity in inland water transport were also considered.

Experts were briefed on interaction with Priority Area 11 (PA 11) of the European Union Strategy for the Danube region (EUSDR): “To Work Together to Tackle Security and Organized Crime” and other organizations dealing with security in inland water transport (BLKA, AQUAPOL – Danube/Black Sea HUB and EUROPOL – ATLAS Support Office).

Following the meeting, Questionnaire of the proposals on further steps of the DC in the field of security of inland water transport and a draft Plan to revise the Recommendations will be compiled.
