Danube Commission – Donaukommission – Commission du Danube – Дунайская Комиссия

Danube Commission Secretariat was welcomed in Strasbourg by the Secretary General of the (CCNR)

On 22-23 August 2019, the newly installed Secretariat of the Danube Commission under the leadership of its Director General Manfred Seitz was welcomed in Strasbourg by the Secretary General of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR), Bruno Georges, and members of its Secretariat.

The meeting of the two Secretariats was a great opportunity for getting to know each other, informing about priorities, as well as exchanges on various topics and discussions of possible joint activities.

The Secretariats see increased cooperation particularly beneficial for the European committee CESNI, for European policies concerning the work of the river commissions and for market observation.