Smart Shipping Conference – Towards a single market for Smart Shipping
On May 15 – 16, 2024 the Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works organized the Smart Shipping Conference (Antwerp), the context of the Belgian Presidency of the Council 2024.
The programme consisted of plenary speeches, keynote speeches and panel discussions, bringing together political leaders, policymakers and experts to exchange views and discuss the next steps towards smart shipping.
The Director General of the Danube Commission Secretariat took part in a panel discussion dedicated to harmonized European regulation in the field of inland navigation, along with representatives of the CCNR and the EC.
In his presentation, he addressed the measures required by the waterway authorities to cope with the effects of climate change, proposed measures to overcome the shortage of skilled labour in inland navigation and the potential contribution of the Danube region. He also outlined measures to overcome the worsening institutional capacity problem in the area of public administration for a competitive Danube navigation sector.